Sullivan graduated from Bristol Old Vic Theatre School in 2015 and since has gone on to perform in Hounslow Arts Centre’s Pantomimes three years running in productions of Cinderella, Dick Whittington and Robin Hood. He has also created and performed his own shows at the Edinburgh fringe, with magical storytelling in Wild Beast and ridiculous improvised clowning in Russian Roulette.
Theatre has been a huge part of Isabel’s life ever since she was little and competing in dance and musical theatre competitions across the UK. Now, having graduated from Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in summer 2019, she is excited to be venturing on her first professional tour with Vienna’s English Theatre. As someone who is super keen on travelling, she couldn’t be more delighted to be given the opportunity to explore the corners of Austria which she otherwise may not have seen – and what better way to do it than touring in ‘Spooked!’
Ben graduated from Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts in July 2019. He is also a writer and director, currently producing his own play Two Worlds No Family on London’s Fringe Theatre scene. He is hugely interested in and inspired by physical theatre and writing heavily reliant on subtext. Ben has played a wide range of characters, including (but absolutely not limited to) an anxious teenager, an American prison inmate and Banquo from William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Ben cannot wait to take Spooked! across Austria!
Talitha (known to her friends and family as Tal) exists largely on cups of tea and pasta. She grew up in a small market town in Hertfordshire and at the age of 7 she begged her mum to take her to drama classes after watching the musical ‘Annie’. Soon drama class became the highlight of her week and she decided she wanted to pursue acting as a career. She studied acting at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire for 3 years and whilst there became best friends with Isabel Haskett-Jackson plays Virginia in ‚Spooked!‘. She loves animals and is currently missing her bearded collie dog Alice very much. Listening to Christmas music in August is not a crime to Talitha. She loves travelling and wishes she could do it more. This is her first time visiting this beautiful country, and she is very happy to be here.