
Toby Burchell

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This will be Toby’s second tour with Vienna’s English Theatre and he is so excited to get back out and see more of the beautiful Austrian country. After touring last year playing Danny in A Family Affair he is this year returning to play the Little Prince in The Little Prince. Toby is from Worcester, England and has loved performing from a young age. His first role was playing the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz when he was only 11 years old. He feels incredibly lucky to now be able to travel and perform. Last year he loved meeting and being inspired by other young people and hearing about what jobs they aspire to have when they grow older. Toby is particularly looking forward to trying more of the delicious Austrian food. Last year his favourite meal was the Austrian Gröstl and can’t wait to have another! He is also excited to visit more of the stunning Austrian villages, towns and cities.

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