
Joshua Merara

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Coming from the West of England, Joshua is not a city boy, although 6 years in London has greatly informed him as a person and as an artist. Whether your career is in business, hospitality, politics, the civil service or the creative industry…the importance of soaking up what’s around you – when you’re on your path and when you’re not on your path, plays a huge part in your future and what you do with your life. Joshua uses his story as the colors he paints with, and hopes you’ll see something very real in this production you are here to see.
His love for storytelling came from very young, and like the rest of the cast, he knows that he is blessed to do what he loves. Because at that point, it isn’t a job. It’s living a passion. And nothing beats that. Always strive to do what you love.
Hope you enjoy the show!

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